
Sermons of the Saints

Catholic Sermons

Catholic Sermon Series I
Series I of  Sermons of the Saints
The exemplary lives of these Catholic saints, the truth and eloquence of their discourses convey their deep spiritual insights revealing a profound understanding of the message of the Gospels. This priceless collection offers instruction from the masters of spiritual direction, each one echoing the truth proclaimed by Christ in the Gospels.

Sermon Tracks

  • St. Aelred - True Friendship
  • St. Ambrose - Be a faithful witness 
  • St. Augustine - Late did I find you
  • Jerusalem Catecheses - The Bread from Heaven 
  • St. John Chrysostom - Giving Alms
  • St. John Chrysostom - I fought the good fight 
  • St. John Fisher - If anyone has sinned 
  • St. Thomas More - His final letter to his daughter 
  • St. Augustine - She who believed 


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