
Friday, May 25, 2012

Vatican: Individual in Posession of Confidential Documents Arrested

Individual in Posession of Confidential Documents Arrested

Right hand man: Paolo Gabriele, the pope's butler, has reportedly been arrested on allegations of having leaked confidential documents and letters from the pontiff's private study. Picture: AFP
Vatican police have arrested the Pope's valet, reporting that he was discovered in possession of confidential documents, and are holding him for questioning.
The director of the Vatican press office, Father Federico Lombardi, told reporters on May 25 that an investigation into a recent series of leaks had led the Vatican gendarmerie to a particular individual. The suspect was illegally holding confidential documents, he said. Although he did not identify the suspect, Vatican sources later confirmed reports that it was Paolo Gabriele, who has served as the Pope's valet for the past 6 years.

Possible Collusion

As a member of the pontifical household, Gabriele is one of the few people who would have access to confidential documents that pass across the Pope's desk. However, Vatican insiders have been convinced that the "Vatileaks" scandal has been orchestrated by some more senior official, as part of a struggle for power within the Vatican. The arrest of the valet--a layman with no particular influence--immediately gave rise to suspicions that Gabriele might be working on behalf of someone else, and might serve as a scapegoat to defect attention from more powerful prelates.
Earlier this week the Vatican had warned that the public release of confidential documents was a criminal activity. Pope Benedict had set up a special commission, composed of 3 senior cardinals, to investigate a succession of embarrassing leaks. The May 25 arrest came as a result of that commission's work, Father Lombardi said.

Fredrico Lombardi: "we have identified [the] person"

Fredrico Lombardi

Responding to questions from the press, the Director of the Vatican Press Office Father Federico Lombardi said that "the investigations initiated by the Gendarmerie" on the dissemination of confidential Vatican documents” have identified a person in illegal possession "of such material." The individual involved, whose identity was not revealed, is being held for further questioning.
The action was taken on the instructions of the Commission of Cardinals under the direction of the Promoter of Justice.
The Cardinalatial commission was established by Pope Benedict in the wake of recent leaks of reserved and confidential documents on television, in newspapers and in other communications media.


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